Thursday, July 8, 2010

Reflections of a Bad Night

(This is from two months ago, I just never posted it cause I'm a weenie!! haha)

I lay here under my covers,
Not wanting to move,
To breathe.
I just want to feel warmth against my skin,
Arms around my torso.
I want to hear it will be okay,
‘Cause right now,
It isn’t.
I want this to end.
This growth of darkness in my chest,
Pulling at my insides,
And twisting them into pain.
I feel dirty,
But my skin is already raw,
The water’s running cold.
I need to throw up,
But there’s nothing in me.
There’s nothing to me anymore.
I want a shooting star,
A dandelion,
A lucky well,
But all I have is a blanket,
And the sound of my own breath.

Monday, July 5, 2010

From Inside the Rocket Ship

A little green alien sits in his ship,
Orbiting around the Earth.
Rocket ships don't cure lonely,
with their blinking control panels,
and cold, metal rooms.
Maybe someone down there
Could cure his loneliness.
Maybe he would be rejected.
They might hurt him down on Earth,
So he sits in his ship,
Surrounded by nothing.